Latest News and Announcements

Town Clerk's official handover

The Town Clerk Mr. Kasala Daniel officially handed over instruments of power to the new Town Clerk Mrs. Turyasasirwa Edith as this was witnessed by His worship Mayor Bamu Lulenzi, Mayor Masindi Municipal Council, Hon. Councillors, the media fraternity and staff of Iganga Municipal council on 16th July 2024


Iganga Municipal council launched the parish revolving fund under the parish development model on 14th July 2023 at Iganga Municipal Council Primary School. The chief guest was the State Minister for Agriculture hon. Bwino Fred Kyakulaga and a member of parliament for Kigulu North. In attendance was the chairperson NRM Iganga district Mr. Walubi Abubakar, RDC Mr. Wandira Sadala, deputy RDC, DPC Iganga district, Town Clerk Mr. Kasala Daniel, manager Opportunity Bank and staff of Iganga Municipal Council among others.

Launch of Human Capital Management System (HCM)

On 13th July 2023 a team from Ministry of Public Service launched Human Capital Management System (HCM) in Iganga Municipal Council. The team included Mr. Waswa Charles HCM system support officer, Mr. Mwayi Jessy IT administrator, Mrs. Racheal principal human resource officer among others.

HCM is a new system that is replacing the Integrated Personnel Pay-roll System (IPPS). It’s a web based system and can also be accessed on mobile devices such as tablets and mobile phones.


On 17th February 2023, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Iganga district Mr Mwanje Eddie together with the Town Clerk Mr. Lwanga Edward, Deputy Town Clerk, His Worship the Mayor, Division chairpersons, and staff among others participated in commissioning of DDEG projects.

The projects that were commissioned included: - Administration block 240 million Ugx, Store and security house 62 million Ugx, maternity ward and laboratory at Nabidhonga Prisons Health Centre II 143 million Ugx respectively.


On 17th February 2023 Mr. Lwanga Edward handed over office and instruments of power to the new incoming Town Clerk Mr. Kasala Daniel. This was witnessed by His worship the Mayor Bamugemye Dellix Richard, Internal Auditor, Hon. Councillors and staff of Iganga Municipal Council.

Mr. Lwanga Edward was promoted to city Clerk and posted to Jinja city while Mr. Kasala Daniel who has been a deputy Town Clerk was also promoted to Municipal Town Clerk and posted to Iganga Municipal council.


The local government finance commission officials together with YOYA technologies LTD launched a revenue management system called Integrated Revenue Administration System (IRAS) in Iganga Municipal Council on 29th November 2022. This was witnessed by the Town Clerk Mr. Lwanga Edward, Technical planning committee members, Deputy Mayor Hon. Baita Stephen, division Town Clerks among others.

YOYA Technologies LTD was contracted to rollout IRAS in Iganga Municipal Council and they are mandated to do the following:

Commissioning of the emergency project

Commissioning of the emergency Project which included a four classroom block, a four lined pit for boys and girls plus a two stance latrine for Teachers at kasokoso primary School and renovation of two classroom at Iganga Municipal council primary school.

The RDC Iganga Mr wandera Sadat was the chief Guest and in attendance were the Deputy RDC Mr Ntange Andrew, Hon. konso Faisal who represented the Mayor, Town Clerk  lwanga Edward, Principal education officer Itaaga Lydia , Engineer Nyangweso, school management committee members and the Pupils among others.

Town Clerk’s Handover Ceremony

The Town Clerk Mr. Alikwan Ayub Kisubi handed over instruments of power to the new Town Clerk Mr. Lwanga Edward and this was witnessed by His worship Mayor Bamu Lulenzi, deputy DISO who represented the RDC of Iganga district, Hon. Councillors, the media fraternity and all staff of Iganga Municipal council on 28th January 2022 in the Mayor’s garden.

Budget Conference 2022-2023

The Town Clerk Mr. Alikwani Ayub Kisubi, deputy Mayor, Hon. Councillors, technical staff, and business community among others during the budget conference of 2022-2023 at Mayors garden on 02/12/2021.

Heads of departments presented their departmental activities for financial year 2022-2023, achievements and ongoing projects. Among the departments that presented their work plans were Education, Production, Works and Community based among others.


Iganga Municipal Council revenue mobilisation team received reflector jackets from Ministry of Local Government to aid revenue mobilisation under TREP program. The reflector jackets were handed over to the mobilisation team by deputy town clerk MR. Kasala Daniel. Among the mobilisation team is senior physical planner, principle commercial officer, finance officer and town agents.
