The department of production performs decentralized functions of the ministry of agriculture animal industry and fisheries premised on the following:
A competitive, profitable, and sustainable agricultural sector.
To transform subsistence farming to commercial agriculture
To promote & support sustainable & market oriented agricultural production, food security & house hold incomes.
The department has 3 extension staffs who execute duties in agriculture, livestock and fisheries subsectors.
- Mukisa Abdala Rahman Agricultural Officer
- Njuba Denis Asst Animal Husbandry Officer
- Sebidde Yusuf Assistant Fisheries Officer
- Crop protection (pests/diseases surveillance& control)
- Crop production & marketing.
- Crop inspection & certification.
- Farm planning.
- Soil & water conservation.
- Water for production.
Animal Husbandry
- Animal Production
- Animal Health, (disease control)
- Entomology
- Vector Control
Fisheries Resources
- Aquaculture management & development.
- Fisheries resource management (natural stocks).
- Fisheries control, Regulations & Quality assurance.
Achievements in F/Y 2019/2020
- Extension services to over 500 farmers through advisory services, farms visits and capacity building.
- Limited funding yet the scope is big
- Failure by farmers to adhere to urban farming guidelines
- Heavy rains causing most crops to wither
- Covid 19 affected farming in terms of production, market prices and inputs.
Production officer meeting farmers