To be an efficient and effective audit department in promoting effective public accountability
To audit and report to council and thereby make an effective contribution to improving public accountability and value for money spent in all departments and sectors.
The Audit Department is committed to upholding the following as its core values:-
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- professional competence
- Independence
- To ensure that responsible Officers account for the resources (Physical assets, funds and human resources) entrusted to them.
- To ensure that there is value for money in all public expenditures.
- To improve on financial management and control by ensuring full adherence to the laws guidelines and regulations.
- To ensure that proper records management.
- To evaluate the effectiveness and contribute to the improvement of risk management processes.
- Regular audit in all the departments both at municipal headquarters and Divisions.
- Timely production of quarterly audit reports.
- Effective documentation of findings.
- Section 90 of the Local Government Act Cap 243 mandates the existence of Internal Audit.
- Section 48 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015 mandates the existence of an Internal Auditor for every Vote.
The Internal Audit Department has continued to play its role of advising and reporting on the compliances, effectiveness, efficiency and economic usage of public resources both at Municipal level and the lower authorities and risk management.
Audit reports have been produced and submitted in line with the requirements of the relevant laws and relevant laws and internal controls appraised and where necessary beefed up.
- Preparation and submission of Internal Audit Quarterly reports in time.
- Acquired one computer set and a printer from Ministry of Local Government in 2012.
- Acquired one filing cabinet from Ministry of Local Government.
- Purchase one executive office table and one chair.
- Purchase office carpet.
- Acquired improved relationship with all audit clients.
In carrying out our mandate in order to achieve the objectives, the department is constrained by the following challenges:-
- Delayed receipt of program guidelines and their amendment.
- Understaffing of the department.
- Audit failure by audit clients causing unnecessary delays in execution and reporting.
Head of Internal Audit-Mr.Sebidde Hussein